سؤال و جواب

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سؤال و جواب

قائمة المسلمين الحاصلين على جائزة نوبل في السلام # اخر تحديث اليوم 2023

اقرأ ايضا

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- تعرٌف على ... ساير بدر الساير | مشاهير # اخر تحديث اليوم 2023
- سؤال و جواب | معنى حديث " أن ما أصابك لم يكن ليخطئك" ؟ # اخر تحديث اليوم 2023
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- تعرف على تفسير رؤية الحليب في المنام لابن سيرين
آخر تحديث منذ 25 يوم
1 مشاهدة

في السلام


! 5 السنة

! 10 صورة

! 10 الحاصل على الجائزة

! 10 الدولة والمهنة

! 40 السبب

! 25 ملاحظات



Anwar Sadat cropped 150

محمد أنور السادات (25 1918 - 6 1981)

مصر ، سياسي

شاركه الجائزة رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي مناحم بيغن .Nobel Peace Prize 1978”, Nobel Foundation],retrieved March 24, .

أول مسلم يتحصل على جائزة نوبل."Answer.com" article on Anwar al-Sadat , retrieved March 24, .http //www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1978/al-sadat-lecture.html"Nobel Lecture, Dec ber 10, 1978" by Anwar Sadat , Nobel Foundation ,retrieved April 5, .http //meria.idc.ac.il/journal/ /issue3/jv10no3a7.html“The Islamization Of Egypt]” by < >Adel Guindy,retrieved April 7, .

‘< >Sadat’s famous slogan, “I am a Muslim president of a Muslim state” ’Sadat Anwar Al-Sadat , The First إسلام سياسي Ruler In Egypt Egypt’s Modern History]”, Coptic Nationalism,posted March 30, , retrieved April 7, .

“< >The Pope must understand that I am a Muslim President of a Muslim State”

Source ‘The exact words of Sadat in Arabic are “إن البابا يجب أن يعلم أنني رئيس مسلم لدولة مسلمة.” These words Mohamed Hassanein Heikal translates in his book, Autumn of Fury, as, “The Pope must understand that I am the Muslim President of a Muslim .” [Mohamed Heikal, Autumn of Fury, the Assassination of Sadat (London Corgi Book 1984) p. 228] This is not an accurate translation. The words should be translated as in the text of my article with an phasis on the words “a Muslim State”, that is Egypt.’Sadat ’, NNDB ,retrieved April 7, .‘Muslim’http //www.myhero.com/go/hero.asp?hero A_Sadat_cac_EG_ Peac aker hero Anwar al-Sadat] by Youssef, "The My Hero Project", accessed March 21, .

“< >Sadat was a devout Muslim from his early days, benefiting from an Islamic education”



ArafatEconomicForum 150

ياسر عرفات (24 1929 - 11 2004)

فلسطين ، سياسي

شاركه الجائزة شمعون بيريز و إسحق رابين .Arafat-Biography’, Nobel Foundation ,retrieved April 5, 2.http //www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1994/“The Nobel Peace Prize 1994”, Nobel Foundation],retrieved March 24, .

أول فلسطيني مسلم يتحصل على جائزة نوبل.Yasser Arafat - Biographical]http //www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1994/arafat-lecture.html“Yasser Arafat-Nobel Lecture”, Nobel Foundation ,retrieved April 5, .http //www.cdn-friends-icej.ca/medigest/feb97/marafat.html‘The Muslim Arafat’,retrieved April 5, .http //www.nndb.com/people/403/
/‘Yasser Arafat’, NNDB , retrieved April 7, .‘Muslim’[http //www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/arafat.html "Jewish virtual library", accessed March 24, .

“a Sunni Muslim”.



Shirinebadi001 150

شيرين عبادي (21 1947 -)

إيران ، ناشطة في حقوق الإنسان

The 2003 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Ebadi “for her efforts for d ocracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the struggle for the rights of women and children”.Nobel Peace Prize 2003”, Nobel Foundation],retrieved March 24, .

The first and only Iranian to receive a Nobel Prize. She was also the first Muslim woman to receive such an honor.http //www.connect2mason.com/content/nobel-peace-prize-winner-promotes-her-new-book-golden-cage“Nobel Peace Prize winner promotes her new book "The Golden Cage"”,by Jasmine Gould,‘Connect2Mason’,dated April 26, , retrieved April 4, .

“< >The first Iranian and Muslim woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize for her work in human rights”Ebadi – Iran 2003”,‘Meet the Laureates’, Nobel Women"s Initiative],accessed April 4, .

“< >She is the first Muslim woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize”the name of the God of Creation and Wisdom”,Nobel Lecture by شيرين عبادي , Oslo, Dec ber 10, 2003, Nobel Foundation , retrieved April 4, .http //www.womeninworldhistory.com/imow-Ebadi.pdf“ شيرين عبادي A Conscious Muslim]” by Diana Hayworth, accessed March 24, .

“< >For some, Ms. Ebadi is a source of inspiration and pride,as she is the first Muslim woman and only Iranian to receive the Nobel Peace Prize.” Note that دوريس ليسينغ born and raised for 5 years in modern day Iran is a fellow laureate.



Mohamed ElBaradei, Davos 1 150

محمد البرادعي (17 1942 -)

مصر ، سياسي

في 2005 نال محمد البرادعي جائزة نوبل للسلام مع الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية ومنحت الجائزة للوكالة ومديرها اعترافا بالجهود المبذولة من جانبهما لاحتواء انتشار الأسلحة النووية.Nobel Peace Prize 2005”, Nobel Foundation ,retrieved March 24, .http //www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2005/elbaradei.html“Mohamed El-Baradei-Biography”, Nobel Foundation],retrieved April 5, .

ثاني مصري يتحصل على جائزة نوبل للسلام. (2005).IAEA chief leaves complex legacy”,Jahn, George (30 Nov ber ), أسوشيتد برس , accessed 5 February on http //www.msnbc.msn.com/ msnbc.com.
ElBaradei, who describes himself as having a Muslim , sometimes cites his favorite Christian prayer when speaking of his role on the world stage.
http //www.nndb.com/people/288/
/ “ NNDB article on Mohamed El Baradei ”, retrieved March 24, .‘Muslim’.[http //www.irfi.org/articles/articles_401_450/muslim_contribution_to_world_pea.htm “Muslim Contribution to World Peace” by Minhaj Qidwai, accessed March 21, .

“< >Recipient of Nobel Peace Prize Mohamed ElBaradei an Egyptian Muslim can be a role Model for all those who want to contribute towards peace and prosperity in the modern world.”Lecture by Mohamed El-Baradei, Oslo, Dec ber 10, 2005.’, Nobel Foundation], retrieved April 5, .

“< >I am an Egyptian Muslim”


Muhammad Yunus - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 150

محمد يونس (28 1940 -)

بنغلاديش ، اقتصاد (علم) اقتصادي .

The Nobel Peace Prize was jointly awarded to Yunus and Grameen Bank “for their efforts to create economic and social development from below”.Nobel Peace Prize ”, Nobel Foundation],retrieved March 24, .

The first Bangladeshi and Bengali Muslim Nobel laureate, and overall, the third person from Bengal to win a Nobel prize.“ Muslim Nobel Prize Winners ”, ‘Islamic History Month Canada ’ accessed March 24, http //dawn.com/ /04/06/yunus-martyred-bangladesh-marred/“Yunus martyred, Bangladesh marred” by ‘Misha Hussain’, Dawn (newspaper) Dawn.com],April 6, , retrieved April 7, .

“< >a Bengali and a Muslim”“ Muhammad Yunus] Ways”, ‘Islamic Inspiration’, published March 27, , retrieved March 24, .

“< >he is a Muslim”Yunus (1940- )’, Union of Islamic World Students The Union of Islamic World Students ,retrieved April 5, ,‘a devout muslim’http //www.nndb.com/people/183/
/‘Muhammad Yunus’, NNDB ,retrieved April 5, .‘Muslim’http //www.questioningchristian.com/ /10/microcredit_pio.html“Microcredit pioneer wins Nobel Peace Prize — and puts Episcopalian- and Anglican combatants to shame”,< >The Questioning Christian,dated October 13, , retrieved April 5, .http //www.bankersacad y.com/pdf/microfinance_and_islamic_finance.pdf, Microfinance and Islamic Banking Islamic Finance]- A Perfect Match by Dr. Linda Eagle, accessed March 24, .

“< >A Muslim Bangladeshi economist and economics professor”


Tawakkol Karman 150

توكل كرمان (7 1979 -)

اليمن ، ناشطة في حقوق الإنسان

حازت توكل كرمان على جائزة نوبل للسلام للعام بالتقاسم مع الرئيسة الليبيرية إلين جونسون سيرليف والناشطة الليبيرية ليما غوبوي ، وبهذه الجائزة أصبحت توكل خامس شخصية عربية وأول امرأة عربية تحصل على جائزة نوبل .Nobel Peace Prize ”, Nobel Foundation],retrieved March 24, .

أول إمرأة عربية واليمنية الوحيدة التي حصلت على جائزة نوبل. الديمقراطية الآن! article on Tawakel Karman , “ اليمن i Activist Tawakkul Karman, First F ale Arab Nobel Peace Laureate A Nod for Arab Spring”, dated October 7, , retrieved March 21, .http //www.huffingtonpost.com/sahar-taman/tawakul-karman-nobel-peace-prize-laureate_b_
html“Tawakul Karman, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Talks the Talk and Walks the Walk” by ‘Sahar Taman’, هافنغتون بوست], published October 8, , retrieved April 7, .

“< >a Y eni Muslim woman”the name of God the Compassionate the Merciful”,Nobel Lecture by Tawakkul Karman,Oslo, 10. Dec ber , Nobel Foundation ,retrieved April 5, .http //sal.am/magazine/islam/inspiring-islamic-story/tawakel-karman-the-nobel-peace-prize-winner- -hijab/ “Tawakel Karman (The Nobel Peace Laureates Nobel Peace Prize winner ) & Hijab]” by "Sarah Ahmed", dated Dec ber 12, , retrieved March 21, .

“< >She is a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, becoming the first Y eni, the first Arab woman, and the second Muslim woman to win a Nobel Prize and the youngest Nobel Peace Laureate to date.”“Tawakkul Karman is the first arab woman and the youngest Nobel Peace Laureates Nobel Peace Laureate in hijab]”, "Haute Hijab", Dec ber 20, , accessed March 21, .

“< >Tawakkul Karman, a Muslim, was the first Arab woman and youngest person awarded the Nobel Peace Laureate”


Malala Yousafzai at Girl Summit 150

ملالا يوسف زي (12 1997)

باكستان ، مدونة وناشطة لحقوق المرأة في التعليم.

شاركها الجائزة الهندي كايلاش ساتيارثي .
أصغر شخص يحصل على جائزة نوبل منذ إنشائها,وقد اشتهرت بتنديدها عبر تدويناتها بانتهاك حركة طالبان باكستان لحقوق الفتيات وحرمانهن من التعليم، وقتلهم لمعارضيهم، في عام حاولت طالبان اغتيالها، لكنها أصيبت إصابة بالغة ونجت من الموت بعدما تم علاجها في بريطانيا على نفقة الإمارات العربية المتحدة

Flag of Tunisia.svg 150 الرباعي الراعي الحوار الوطني (تونس) للحوار الوطني التونسي تونس - أربعة منظمات تونسية لمساهمتهم في إنجاح مسار الانتقال الديمقراطي في تونس والخروج بالبلاد من أزمة سياسية، إلى جانب جعل تونس دولة الربيع العربي الوحيدة التي تنجح مسارها.

في الأدب


! 5 السنة

! 10 صورة

! 10 الحاصل على الجائزة

! 10 الدولة والمهنة

! 40 السبب

! 25 ملاحظات



Necip Mahfuz 140

نجيب محفوظ

(11 1911 - 30 أغسسطس )

مصر ، رواية (أدب) كاتب روائي

حصل نجيب محفوظ على الجائزة في عام 1988 باعتبار أدب محفوظ واقعية واقعياً .Nobel Prize in Literature 1988”, Nobel Foundation , retrieved March 24, .http //www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1988/mahfouz-lecture.html‘Nobel Lecture by Naguib Mahfouz’, Nobel Foundation],retrieved April 5, .

أول عربي يحصل على جائزة نوبل في الأدب .“ Naguib Mahfouz Naguib Mahfouz’s Socialist ic Sufism An Intellectual Journey from the Wafd to Islamic Mysticism ”, Yagi, Kumiko, Ph.D. Harvard University, 2001. 235 pages. Adviser Graham, William A. Publication Number AAT
, accessed March 24, .http //www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/1988/mahfouz-article.html“Naguib Mahfouz – The Son of Two Civilizations” by "Anders Hallengren",article on Naguib Mahfouz , Nobel Foundation], retrieved March 24, .

“a pious مسلم mosl believer”


Pamuk 140

أورهان باموق (7 1952 -)

تركيا ، رواية (أدب) كاتب روائي

The Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Orhan Pamuk “who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures”.http //www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/ /

“The Nobel Prize in Literature ”, Nobel Foundation , retrieved March 24, .Pamuk-Autobiography’, Nobel Foundation], retrieved April 5, .

The first and only أتراك Turk to receive the Nobel Prize. Does not believe in God, considers himself only a Cultural Muslim .“ Orhan Pamuk , Nobel Laureate , in Conversation with Reza Aslan ”, Levantine Cultural Center , posted October 16, , accessed March 21, .http //en.islamtoday.net/artshow-236-3999.htm“ Orhan Pamuk Incompatibility of Islam and D ocracy Has Been Disproven”,‘Islam Today’,dated March 30, , retrieved April 5, .[http //www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,380858,00.html “< >Do you consider yourself a Muslim? ”,

“Orhan Pamuk and the Turkish Paradox”, Spiegel Online , dated Dec ber 21, 2005, retrieved March 21, .

“I consider myself a person who comes from a Muslim culture. In any case, I would not say that I"m an atheist. So I"m a Muslim who associates historical and cultural identification with this religion. I do not believe in a personal connection to God that"s where it gets transcendental. I identify with my culture, but I am happy to be living on a tolerant, intellectual island where I can deal with Dostoyevsky and Sartre, both great influences for me.”

في العلوم

في الفيزياء


! 5 السنة

! 10 صورة

! 10 الحاصل على الجائزة

! 10 الدولة والمهنة

! 40 السبب

! 25 ملاحظات



Abdus Salam 1987 150

محمد عبد السلام

(29 1926 - 21 1996)

باكستان ، فيزيائي

The 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded jointly to شيلدون جلاشو , Salam, and Steven Weinberg “for their contributions to the theory of the unified weak and electromagnetic interaction between el entary particles, including, inter alia, the prediction of the weak neutral current”.Nobel Prize in Physics 1979”, Nobel Foundation], retrieved March 24, .

In 1974, the Pakistan parliament made Second Amendment to the Constitution of Pakistan a constitutional amendment that effectively declared Ahmadiyya Ahmadis to not be Muslims. In protest, Salam Pakistan for London. He is the first and only Pakistani to receive the award. He is also the first Pakistani scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize.Salam-Biography”, Nobel Foundation], retrieved April 5, .

“Abdus Salam is known to be a devout Scientist, whose religion does not occupy a separate compartment of his life it is inseparable from his work and family life. He once wrote ‘The Holy Quran enjoins us to reflect on the verities of Allah"s created laws of nature however, that our generation has been privileged to glimpse a part of His design is a bounty and a grace for which I render thanks with a humble heart.’”,

< > Primary Source The biography was written by Miriam Lewis, now at IAEA, Vienna, who was at one time on the staff of ICTP (International Centre For Theoretical Physics, Trieste). Google Books , مرجع كتاب الأخير Ghani الأول Abdul contribution الصفحة i-xi editor-last editor-first editor2-last editor2-first العنوان Abdus Salam a Nobel laureate from a Muslim a biographical sketch, Publisher -Maت»aref Printers, Karachi]. سنة 1982 الرقم المعياري oclc ref harv ,retrieved April 8, .

في الكيمياء


! 5 السنة

! 10 صورة

! 10 الحاصل على الجائزة

! 10 الدولة والمهنة

! 40 السبب

! 25 ملاحظات



Ahmed Zewail 150

أحمد زويل

(26 1946 -)

مصر مصري - عالم أمريكي

حاصل على جائزة نوبل في الكيمياء لسنة 1999 لأبحاثه في مجال ال فيمتو ثانية .Nobel Prize in Ch istry 1999”, Nobel Foundation], retrieved March 24, .

ثاني عربي يحصل على جائزة نوبل في الكيمياء والمسلم العربي الوحيد الحاصل على جائزة نوبل في العلوم. مسلم “ Nobel Laureate Nobel Prize Winner Ahmed Zewail Ahmed Hassan Zewail ” by Bernie, ‘Planck"s constant’, accessed March 24, .http //www.zewail.caltech.edu/ Ahmed Zewail "s California Institute of Technology caltech site.http //www.fountainmagazine.com/Issue/detail/Science-in-the-Islamic-world-an-interview-with-Nobel-Laureate-Ahmed-Zewail علم in the Muslim World Islamic world an interview with Nobel Laureate Ahmed Zewail , The Fountain Magazine],Issue 67, January–February , retrieved March 21, .

“< >I"m very proud of the value syst that I was given by my family and the way I grew up as a Muslim in Egypt.”West and Islam need not be in conflict” by ‘Ahmed Zewail’, ذي إندبندنت],October 24, ,retrieved April 11, .

“< >The author is the only Arab Muslim to receive the Nobel Prize in science, 1999”

Alfred Nobel.png 150 يسار لاإطار صورة تعبيرية لجائزة نوبل

حصل 11 مسلمين مسلما ومجموعة من أربعة منظمات تونسية على جائزة نوبل (بين الأعوام 1901- ) أي 0.9 من مجمل الحاصلين على جوائز نوبل، وقد حصل ثمانية منهم على جائزة نوبل للسلام .100 Years of Nobel Prizes

فيما يلي قائمة بأسماء المسلمين الذين حصلوا على جائزة نوبل.

شاركنا تقييمك

اقرأ ايضا

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شاركنا رأيك بالموضوع

لم يعلق احد حتى الآن .. كن اول من يعلق بالضغط هنا

أقسام سؤال و جواب عملت لخدمة الزائر ليسهل عليه تصفح الموقع بسلاسة وأخذ المعلومات تصفح هذا الموضوع ويمكنك مراسلتنا في حال الملاحظات او التعديل او الإضافة او طلب حذف الموضوع ...آخر تعديل اليوم 2025/01/29

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