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شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات

مقارنة بين أنظمة الملفات معلومات عامة

مقارنة بين أنظمة الملفات معلومات عامة

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مقارنة بين أنظمة الملفات معلومات عامة
- تفسير رؤية طائر الهدهد فى الحلم ومعناه
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آخر تحديث منذ 23 ساعة
7 مشاهدة

عناصر الموضوع

معلومات عامة

wikitable sortable auto text- smaller table-layout fixed ! File syst نظام الملفات ! Creator المطور له ! تاريخ الظهور Year of introduction ! نظام العمليات الاساسي Original operating syst - rh DECtape Digital Equipment Corporation DEC 1964 PDP-6 Monitor - rh Direct-access storage device DASD IBM اي بي ام 1964 OS/360 - rh Level-D Digital Equipment Corporation DEC 1968 TOPS-10 - rh George 2 International Computers and Tabulators ICT (later ICL) 1968 GEORGE (operating syst ) George 2 - rh Version 6 Unix file syst (V6FS) Bell Labs 1972 Version 6 Unix - rh RT-11 file syst Digital Equipment Corporation DEC 1973 RT-11 - rh CP/M File syst CP/M file syst Gary Kildall 1974 CP/M - rh GEC DOS filing syst extended The General Electric Company plc GEC 1977 OS4000 - rh File Allocation Table FAT12 Microsoft ميكروسوفت 1977 Microsoft BASIC Microsoft Disk BASIC - rh Apple DOS DOS 3.x دوس حاسب ابل Apple Computer حاسب ابل 1978 Apple DOS دوس حاسب ابل - rh Apple Pascal Pascal بسكال ابل Apple Computer 1978 Apple Pascal - rh Commodore DOS CBM DOS Commodore International Commodore 1978 Microsoft BASIC Microsoft BASIC (for CBM PET) - rh Version 7 Unix file syst (V7FS) Bell Labs 1979 Version 7 Unix - rh Files-11 ODS-2 Digital Equipment Corporation DEC 1979 OpenVMS - rh Disc Filing Syst DFS Acorn Computers Ltd 1982 BBC Micro Acorn BBC Micro Acorn MOS MOS - rh Advanced Disc Filing Syst ADFS Acorn Computers Ltd 1983 Acorn Electron (later Arthur RISC OS) - rh Berkeley Fast File Syst FFS Marshall Kirk McKusick Kirk McKusick 1983 BSD 4.2BSD - rh PRODOS ProDOS Apple Computer 1983 PRODOS ProDOS 8 - rh Macintosh File Syst MFS نظام ملفات ماكنتوش Apple Computer حاسب ابل 1984 Mac OS - rh Elektronika BK tape format NPO Scientific centre (now Sitronics) 1985 Vilnius Basic, BK monitor program - rh Hierarchical File Syst HFS Apple Computer 1985 Mac OS - rh Amiga Old File Syst Amiga OFS ref 54 Metacomco for Commodore International Commodore 1985 Amiga OS - rh High Sierra Format High Sierra Ecma International 1985 MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS - rh NetWare File Syst NWFS Novell 1985 Novell NetWare NetWare 286 - rh File Allocation Table FAT16 Microsoft 1987 MS-DOS 3.31 - rh Minix file syst Minix V1 FS Andrew S. Tanenbaum 1987 Minix 1.0 - rh Amiga Fast File Syst Amiga FFS Commodore International Commodore 1988 Amiga OS 1.3 - rh High Performance File Syst HPFS IBM & Microsoft 1988 OS/2 - rh ISO 9660 ISO 9660 1988 Ecma International, Microsoft 1988 MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and AmigaOS - rh JFS file syst JFS1 IBM 1990 IBM AIX (operating syst ) AIX efn name note-11 IBM introduced JFS with the initial release of AIX operating syst AIX Version 3.1 in 1990. This file syst now called JFS1. The new JFS, on which the Linux port was based, was first shipped in OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business in 1999. The same sourcebase was also used for release JFS2 on AIX 5L. - rh Veritas File Syst VxFS Veritas Software VERITAS 1991 Syst V SVR4.0 - rh Extended file syst ext Rémy Card 1992 Linux - rh AdvFS Digital Equipment Corporation DEC 1993 cite web last1 Warren first1 David date 20 October 1993 Poly File Syst - - HELP url http //www.ornl.gov/lists/mailing-lists/tru64-unix-managers/1993/10/msg00043.html archive-url https //web.archive.org/web/ 0309144054/http //www.ornl.gov/lists/mailing-lists/tru64-unix-managers/1993/10/msg00043.html archive-date 9 March Digital Unix - rh NTFS Microsoft, Gary Kimura, Tom Miller (computer programmer) Tom Miller 1993 Windows NT - rh Log-structured File Syst (BSD) LFS Margo Seltzer 1993 Sprite operating syst Berkeley Sprite - rh ext2 Rémy Card 1993 Linux, Hurd - rh Xiafs Q. Frank Xia 1993 Linux - rh Unix File Syst UFS1 Marshall Kirk McKusick Kirk McKusick 1994 BSD 4.4BSD - rh XFS Silicon Graphics SGI 1994 IRIX, Linux, FreeBSD - rh HFS IBM 1994 MVS/ESA (now z/OS) - rh Joliet (file syst ) Joliet ( CDFS ) Microsoft 1995 Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD - rh Universal Disk Format UDF International Organization for Standardization ISO/Ecma International ECMA/Optical Storage Technology Association OSTA 1995 n/a - rh File Allocation Table FAT32 Microsoft 1996 Windows 95b efn name note-10 Microsoft first introduced FAT32 in Windows 95 OSR2 (OEM Service Release 2) and then later in Windows 98. NT-based Windows did not have any support for FAT32 up to Windows NT4 Windows 2000 was the first NT-based Windows OS that received the ability to work with it. - rh QFS Sun Microsyst s 1996 Solaris (operating syst ) Solaris - rh GPFS IBM 1996 IBM AIX (operating syst ) AIX, Linux - rh Be File Syst Be Inc., Dominic Giampaolo D. Giampaolo, Cyril Meurillon 1996 BeOS - rh Minix file syst Minix V2 FS Andrew S. Tanenbaum 1997 Minix 2.0 - rh HFS Plus Apple Computer 1998 Mac OS 8 Mac OS 8.1 - rh Novell Storage Services NSS Novell 1998 Novell NetWare NetWare 5 - rh PolyServe File Syst (PSFS) PolyServe 1998 Windows, Linux - rh Files-11 ODS-5 Digital Equipment Corporation DEC 1998 OpenVMS 7.2 - rh Write Anywhere File Layout WAFL NetApp 1998 NetApp filer Data ONTAP - rh ext3 Stephen Tweedie Dr. Stephen C. Tweedie 1999 Linux - rh ISO 9660 ISO 9660 1999 Ecma International, Microsoft 1999 Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and AmigaOS - rh Lustre (file syst ) Lustre Cluster File Syst s cite press release Sun Microsyst s Expands High Performance Computing Portfolio with Definitive Agre ent to Acquire Assets of Cluster File Syst s, Including the Lustre File Syst location Santa Clara, Calif. date 12 Sept ber publisher Sun Microsyst s, Inc. url http //www.sun.com/aboutsun/pr/ -09/sunflash. 0912.2.xml archiveurl https //web.archive.org/web/ 1002091821/http //www.sun.com/aboutsun/pr/ -09/sunflash. 0912.2.xml archivedate 2 October 2002 Linux - rh JFS file syst JFS IBM 1999 OS/2 Warp Server for e-business - rh Global File Syst GFS Sistina Software Sistina (Red Hat) 2000 Linux - rh ReiserFS Namesys 2001 Linux - rh zFS IBM 2001 z/OS (backported to OS/390) - rh FATX Microsoft 2002 Xbox - rh Unix File Syst UFS2 Marshall Kirk McKusick Kirk McKusick 2002 FreeBSD 5.0 - rh OCFS Oracle Corporation 2002 Linux - rh VMware VMFS VMFS2 VMware 2002 VMware ESX Server 2.0 - rh Fossil (file syst ) Fossil Bell Labs 2003 Plan 9 from Bell Labs 4 - rh Google File Syst Google 2003 Linux - rh ZFS Sun Microsyst s 2004 Solaris (operating syst ) Solaris - rh Reiser4 Namesys 2004 Linux - rh Non-Volatile File Syst Palm, Inc. 2004 Palm OS Garnet - rh Minix file syst Minix V3 FS Andrew S. Tanenbaum 2005 Minix 3 MINIX 3 - rh OCFS2 Oracle Corporation 2005 Linux - rh NILFS Nippon Telegraph and Telephone NTT 2005 Linux - rh VMware VMFS VMFS3 VMware 2005 VMware ESX Server 3.0 - rh Global File Syst 2 GFS2 Red Hat Linux - rh ext4 various Linux - rh exFAT Microsoft Windows CE 6.0 - rh Btrfs Oracle Corporation Linux - rh JXFS Hyperion Entertainment AmigaOS 4 AmigaOS 4.1 - rh HAMMER Matthew Dillon DragonFly BSD 2.0 - rh Log-Structured File Syst LSFS StarWind Software Linux, FreeBSD, Windows - rh CASL Nimble Storage Linux - rh VMFS5 VMware vSphere 5.0+ - rh ReFS Microsoft Windows Server

حدوده او مقيداته Limitations

wikitable sortable auto text- smaller table-layout fixed ! File syst نظام الملفات ! Maximum filename length اقصى طول لاسم الملف ! Allowable characters in directory entries الرموز والحروف المسموح بها efn name note-25 These are the restrictions imposed by the on-disk directory entry structures th selves. Particular Installable File Syst drivers may place restrictions of their own on file and directory names and particular and operating syst s may also place restrictions of their own, across all filesyst s. MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, and OS/2 disallow the characters / ? * &gt &lt and NUL in file and directory names across all filesyst s. Unix Unices and Linux disallow the characters / and NUL in file and directory names across all filesyst s. ! Maximum pathname length اقصى طول لمسار الوصول للملف او المجلد ! Maximum file size اقصى حجم للملف ! Maximum volume size اقصى حجم للقسم efn name note-4 For filesyst s that have variable allocation unit (block/cluster) sizes, a range of size are given, indicating the maximum volume sizes for the minimum and the maximum possible allocation unit sizes of the filesyst (e.g. 512 bytes and 128 kibibyte KiB for FAT — which is the cluster size range allowed by the on-disk data structures, although some Installable File Syst drivers and operating syst s do not support cluster sizes larger than 32 kibibyte KiB). - rh CP/M file syst 8.3 ? Initial versions had no subdirectories data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 ? data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 ? - rh IBM SFS 8.8 ? ? data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 Non-hierarchical cite web SFS file syst website IBM Knowledge Center url http //www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledge /SS6SGM_3.1.0/com.ibm.aix.cbl.doc/PGandLR/ref/rpfio50.htm data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 ? - rh DECtape 6.3 A–Z, 0–9 DTxN FILNAM.EXT 15 data-sort- number data-sort-value 369280 369,280 bytes (577 * 640) data-sort- number data-sort-value 369280 369,920 bytes (578 * 640) - rh Elektronika BK tape format 16 bytes No directory hierarchy لا يوجد تسلسل للمجلدات او اي دليل data-sort- number data-sort-value 65536 64 KiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 800000 Not limited. Approx. 800KB (one side) for 90 min cassette - rh MicroDOS file syst 14 bytes data-sort- number data-sort-value 16777216 16 MiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 33554432 32 MiB - rh Level-D 6.3 A–Z, 0–9 DEVICE FILNAM.EXT[PROJCT,PROGRM] 7 + 10 + 15 32 + 5*7 for SFDs 67 data-sort- number data-sort-value 206158430208 34,359,738,368 words (2**35-1) 206,158,430,208 SIXBIT bytes data-sort- number data-sort-value 11392000000 Approx 12 GB (64 * 178 MB) - rh RT-11 6.3 A–Z, 0–9, $ 0 (لا يوجد تسلسل للمجلدات او اي دليل ) data-sort- number data-sort-value 33554432 33,554,432 bytes (65536 * 512) data-sort- number data-sort-value 33554432 33,554,432 bytes - rh Version 6 Unix file syst (V6FS) 14 bytes efn name note-24 Depends on whether the FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 impl entation has support for Long filename LFNs. Where it does not, as in OS/2, MS-DOS, Windows 95, Windows 98 in DOS-only mode and the Linux msdos driver, file names are limited to 8.3 filename 8.3 format of 8-bit characters (space padded in both the basename and extension parts) and may not contain NUL (end-of-directory marker) or character 5 (replac ent for character 229 which itself is used as deleted-file marker). Short names also do not normally contain lowercase letters. Also note that a few special names (CON, NUL, LPT1) should be avoided, as some operating syst s (notably DOS and windows) effectively reserve th . Any byte except Null character NUL and / efn name note-26 In these filesyst s the directory entries named . and .. have special status. Directory entries with these names are not prohibited, and indeed exist as normal directory entries in the on-disk data structures. However, they are mandatory directory entries, with mandatory values, that are automatically created in each directory when it is created and directories without th are considered corrupt. لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 The on-disk structures have no inherent limit. Particular Installable File Syst drivers and operating syst s may impose limits of their own, however. MS-DOS does not support full pathnames longer than 260 bytes for FAT12 and FAT16. Windows NT does not support full pathnames longer than 32,767 bytes for NTFS. Linux has a pathname limit of 4,096. data-sort- number data-sort-value 8388608 8 mebibyte MiB efn name note-57 The actual maximum was 8,847,360 bytes, with 7 singly-indirect blocks and 1 doubly-indirect block PWB/UNIX 1.0's variant had 8 singly-indirect blocks, making the maximum 524,288 bytes or half a mebibyte MiB. data-sort- number data-sort-value 2199023255552 2 tebibyte TiB - rh GEC DOS filing syst extended 8 bytes A–Z, 0–9. Period was directory separator dunno لا حدود محددة (workaround for OS limit) data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno at least 131,072 bytes data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno - rh Commodore DOS CBM DOS 16 bytes Any byte except NUL 0 (لا يوجد تسلسل للمجلدات او اي دليل ) data-sort- number data-sort-value 16777216 16 mebibyte MiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 16777216 16 mebibyte MiB - rh Version 7 Unix file syst (V7FS) 14 bytes efn name note-24 Any byte except NUL and / efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 1073741824 1 gibibyte GiB efn name note-58 The actual maximum was 1,082,201,088 bytes, with 10 direct blocks, 1 singly-indirect block, 1 doubly-indirect block, and 1 triply-indirect block. The 4.0BSD and 4.1BSD versions, and the UNIX Syst V Syst V version, used 1,024-byte blocks rather than 512-byte blocks, making the maximum 4,311,812,608 bytes or approximately 4 gibibyte GiB. data-sort- number data-sort-value 2199023255552 2 tebibyte TiB - rh exFAT 255 UTF-16 characters dunno لا حدود محددة data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 exbibyte EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 75557863725914323419136 64 zebibyte ZiB (276&nbsp bytes) - rh File Allocation Table FAT12 8.3 filename 8.3 (255 UTF-16 characters with LFN) efn name note-24 Any Unicode except NUL (with LFN) efn name note-24 efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 33554432 32 mebibyte MiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 33554432 1 mebibyte MiB to 32 mebibyte MiB - rh File Allocation Table FAT16 8.3 filename 8.3 (255 UTF-16 characters with LFN) efn name note-24 Any Unicode except NUL (with LFN) efn name note-24 efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 2 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 16 mebibyte MiB to 2 gibibyte GiB - rh File Allocation Table FAT32 8.3 filename 8.3 (255 UTF-16 characters with LFN) efn name note-24 Any Unicode except NUL (with LFN) efn name note-24 efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 4294967296 4 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 512 mebibyte MiB to 8 tebibyte TiB efn While FAT32 Partition (computing) partitions this large work fine once created, some software won't allow creation of FAT32 partitions larger than 32 gibibyte GiB. This includes, notoriously, the Windows XP installation program and the Disk Manag ent console in Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista. Use Fdisk FDISK from a Windows Me Windows ME Emergency Boot Disk to avoid. cite web Limitations of the FAT32 File Syst in Windows XP publisher Microsoft url http //support.microsoft.com/kb/314463 - rh FATX 42 bytes efn name note-24 ASCII. Unicode not permitted. لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 2 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 16 mebibyte MiB to 2 gibibyte GiB - rh Fossil (file syst ) Fossil dunno dunno dunno data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno - rh Macintosh File Syst MFS 255 bytes Any byte except No path (flat filesyst ) data-sort- number data-sort-value 268435456 256 mebibyte MiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 268435456 256 mebibyte MiB - rh Hierarchical File Syst HFS 31 bytes Any byte except Unlimited غير محدود data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 2 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 2199023255552 2 tebibyte TiB - rh High Performance File Syst HPFS 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-27 The . and .. directory entries in HPFS that are seen by applications programs are a partial fiction created by the Installable File Syst drivers. The on-disk data structure for a directory does not contain entries by those names, but instead contains a special start entry. Whilst on-disk directory entries by those names are not physically prohibited, they cannot be created in normal operation, and a directory containing such entries is corrupt. لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 2 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 2199023255552 2 tebibyte TiB efn name note-13 This is the limit of the on-disk structures. The HPFS Installable File Syst driver for OS/2 uses the top 5 bits of the volume sector number for its own use, limiting the volume size that it can handle to 64 gibibyte GiB. - rh NTFS 255 characters Any Unicode except NUL, / 32,767 Unicode characters with each path component (directory or filename) up to 255 characters long efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 EiB efn name note-55 This is the limit of the on-disk structures. The NTFS driver for Windows NT limits the volume size that it can handle to 256 tebibyte TiB and the file size to 16 tebibyte TiB respectively. data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 EiB efn name note-55 - rh ReFS 255 UTF-16 charactersBuilding the next generation file syst for Windows ReFS Building Windows 8 Any Unicode except NUL, / 32,767 Unicode characters with each path component (directory or filename) up to 255 characters long data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 EiB - rh HFS Plus 255 UTF-16 characters efn name note-1 The Mac OS provides two sets of functions to retrieve file names from an HFS Plus volume, one of th returning the full Unicode names, the other shortened names fitting in the older 31 byte limit to accommodate older applications. Any valid Unicode efn name note-26 efn name note-2 HFS Plus mandates support for an escape sequence to allow arbitrary Unicode. Users of older software might see the escape sequences instead of the desired characters. Unlimited غير محدود data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 slightly less than 8&nbsp EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 slightly less than 8&nbsp EiBSee http //docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum 25557 and http //docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum 24601. - rh Berkeley Fast File Syst FFS 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 4294967296 4 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 281474976710656 256 tebibyte TiB - rh HAMMER 255 byteshttp //apollo.backplane.com/DFlyMisc/hammer2.txt Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 dunno data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno data-sort- number data-sort-value 1152921504606846976 1 exbibyte EiBhttp //www.dragonflybsd.org/hammer/hammer.pdf - rh Unix File Syst UFS1 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 281474976710656 4 gibibyte GiB to 256 tebibyte TiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 281474976710656 256 tebibyte TiB - rh Unix File Syst UFS2 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 36028797018963968 512 gibibyte GiB to 32 pebibyte PiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 649037107316853896642560 512 Zebibyte ZiB cite web url https //www.freebsd.org/doc/faq/book.html Frequently Asked Questions for FreeBSD 9.X and 10.X publisher FreeBSD Documentation Project accessdate -03-20 quote If there was not a fsck(8) m ory limit the maximum filesyst size would be 2 ^ 64 (blocks) * 32 KB > 16 Exa * 32 KB > 512 ZettaBytes. (279 bytes) - rh Extended file syst ext 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 2 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 2 gibibyte GiB - rh Xiafs 248 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 67108864 64 mebibyte MiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 2147483648 2 gibibyte GiB - rh ext2 255 bytes Any byte except NUL, / efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 2199023255552 16 gibibyte GiB to 2&nbsp tebibyte TiB efn name note-4 data-sort- number data-sort-value 35184372088832 2 tebibyte TiB to 32 tebibyte TiB - rh ext3 255 bytes Any byte except NUL, / efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 2199023255552 16 gibibyte GiB to 2&nbsp tebibyte TiB efn name note-4 data-sort- number data-sort-value 35184372088832 2 tebibyte TiB to 32 tebibyte TiB - rh ext4 255 bytes Any byte except NUL, / efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 17592186044416 16 gibibyte GiB to 16&nbsp tebibyte TiB efn name note-4 cite web Interviews/EricSandeen date 9 June website Fedora Project Wiki url http //fedoraproject.org/wiki/Interviews/EricSandeen data-sort- number data-sort-value 1152921504606846976 1 EiB - rh Lustre (file syst ) Lustre 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 exbibyte EiB on ZFS data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 exbibyte EiB - rh General Parallel File Syst GPFS 255 UTF-8 codepoints Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 No limit found data-sort- number data-sort-value 633825300114114700748351602688 299 bytes (2 Petabyte PiB tested) - rh Global File Syst GFS 255 Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 2 Tebibyte TiB to 8 exbibyte EiB efn name note-63 Depends on kernel version and arch. For 2.4 kernels the max is 2 TiB. For 32-bit 2.6 kernels it is 16 TiB. For 64-bit 2.6 kernels it is 8 EiB. data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 2 Tebibyte TiB to 8 exbibyte EiB efn name note-63 - rh NILFS 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 8 EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 8 EiB - rh ReiserFS 4,032 bytes/255 characters Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 8 tebibyte TiB efn ReiserFS has a theoretical maximum file size of 1 exbibyte EiB, but page cache limits this to 8 Ti on architectures with 32 bit int cite web FAQ date 15 October 2003 website namesys url http //www.namesys.com/faq.html reiserfsspecs archive-url https //web.archive.org/web/ 0719110322/http //www.namesys.com/faq.html reiserfsspecs archive-date 19 July (v3.6), 4 gibibyte GiB (v3.5) data-sort- number data-sort-value 17592186044416 16 tebibyte TiB - rh Reiser4 3,976 bytes Any byte except / and NUL لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 8 tebibyte TiB on x86 data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno - rh OCFS 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 8 tebibyte TiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 8 tebibyte TiB - rh OCFS2 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 4503599627370496 4 pebibyte PiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 4503599627370496 4 pebibyte PiB - rh XFS 255 bytes efn Note that the filename can be much longer XFS Extended attributes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 8 exbibyte EiB efn name note-9 XFS has a limitation under Linux 2.4 of 64 tebibyte TiB file size, but Linux 2.4 only supports a maximum block size of 2 tebibyte TiB. This limitation is not present under IRIX. data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 8 exbibyte EiB efn name note-9 - rh JFS file syst JFS1 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 9223372036854775808 8 exbibyte EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 4503599627370496 512 tebibyte TiB to 4 pebibyte PiB - rh JFS file syst JFS 255 bytes Any Unicode except NUL لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 4503599627370496 4 pebibyte PiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 36028797018963968 32 pebibyte PiB - rh QFS 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 exbibyte EiB efn name note-72 QFS allows files to exceed the size of disk when used with its integrated HSM, as only part of the file need reside on disk at any one time. data-sort- number data-sort-value 4503599627370496 4 pebibyte PiB efn name note-72 - rh Be File Syst BFS 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 279172874240 12,288 bytes to 260 gibibyte GiB efn name note-3 Varies wildly according to block size and fragmentation of block allocation groups. data-sort- number data-sort-value 2305843009213693952 256 pebibyte PiB to 2 exbibyte EiB - rh AdvFS 255 characters Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 17592186044416 16 tebibyte TiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 17592186044416 16 tebibyte TiB - rh Novell Storage Services NSS 256 characters Depends on namespace used efn name note-28 NSS allows files to have multiple names, in separate namespaces. Only limited by client data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 8 tebibyte TiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 8 tebibyte TiB - rh NetWare File Syst NWFS 80 bytes efn name note-52 Some namespaces had lower name length limits. LONG had an 80-byte limit, NWFS 80 bytes, NFS 40 bytes and DOS imposed 8.3 filename. Depends on namespace used efn name note-28 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 4294967296 4 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 1099511627776 1 tebibyte TiB - rh Files-11 ODS-5 236 bytes efn name note-15 Maximum combined filename/file length is 236 bytes each component has an individual maximum length of 255 bytes. dunno 4,096 bytes efn name note-16 Maximum pathname length is 4,096 bytes, but quoted limits on individual components add up to 1,664 bytes. data-sort- number data-sort-value 1099511627776 1 tebibyte TiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 1099511627776 1 tebibyte TiB - rh Veritas File Syst VxFS 255 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 exbibyte EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno - rh Universal Disk Format UDF 255 bytes Any Unicode except NUL 1,023 bytes efn name note-43 This restriction might be lifted in newer versions. data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 exbibyte EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno - rh ZFS 255 bytes Any Unicode except NUL لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 302231454903657293676544 256 Zebibyte ZiB (278&nbsp bytes) - rh Btrfs 255 bytes Any byte except '/' and NUL لا حدود محددة data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 EiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 18446744073709551616 16 EiB - rh Minix file syst Minix V1 FS 14 or 30 bytes, set at filesyst creation time Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 1073741824 1 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 1073741824 1 gibibyte GiB - rh Minix file syst Minix V2 FS 14 or 30 bytes, set at filesyst creation time Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 1073741824 1 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 1073741824 1 gibibyte GiB - rh Minix file syst Minix V3 FS 60 bytes Any byte except NUL efn name note-26 لا حدود محددة efn name note-12 data-sort- number data-sort-value 4294967296 4 gibibyte GiB data-sort- number data-sort-value 4294967296 4 gibibyte GiB - rh VMware VMFS VMFS2 128 Any byte except NUL and / efn name note-26 2,048 data-sort- number data-sort-value 4398046511104 4 tebibyte TiB efn name note-74 Maximum file size on a VMFS volume depends on the block size for that VMFS volume. The figures here are obtained by using the maximum block size. data-sort- number data-sort-value 70368744177664 64 tebibyte TiB - rh VMware VMFS VMFS3 128 Any byte except NUL and / efn name note-26 2,048 data-sort- number data-sort-value 2199023255552 2 tebibyte TiB efn name note-74 data-sort- number data-sort-value 70368744177664 64 tebibyte TiB - rh ISO 9660 ISO 9660 1988 Level&nbsp 1 8.3, Level&nbsp 2&nbsp &amp &nbsp 3 ~&nbsp 180 Depends on Level efn ISO 9660 Restrictions ~ 180 bytes? data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 4 GiB (Level 1 & 2) to 8 TiB (Level 3) efn Through the use of multi-extents, a file can consist of multiple segments, each up to 4 GiB in size. See ISO 9660 The 2 GiB .28or 4 GiB depending on impl entation.29 file size limit data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 8 TiB efn Assuming the typical 2048 Byte sector size. The volume size is specified as a 32 bit value identifying the number of sectors on the volume. - rh Joliet (file syst ) Joliet ( CDFS ) 64 Unicode characters All UCS-2 code except *, /, , , , and ? cite web url http //bmrc.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/jolspec.html Joliet Specification date 22 May 1995 archive-url https //web.archive.org/web/ 0414104421/http //bmrc.berkeley.edu/people/chaffee/jolspec.html archive-date 14 April ? data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 same as ISO 9660 ISO 9660 1988 data-sort- number data-sort-value 8796093022208 same as ISO 9660 ISO 9660 1988 - rh ISO 9660 ISO 9660 1999 ? ? ? data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno - rh High Sierra Format High Sierra ? ? ? data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno data-sort- number data-sort-value 0 dunno - sortbottom ! File syst نظام الملفات ! Maximum filename length اقصى طول لاسم الملف ! Allowable characters in directory entries الرموز والحروف المسموح بها ! Maximum pathname length اقصى طول لمسار الوصول للملف او المجلد ! Maximum file size اقصى حجم للملف ! Maximum volume size اقصى حجم للقسم efn name note-4

بيانات وصفية (ميتاداتا) Metadata

wikitable sortable auto text- smaller table-layout fixed ! File syst مسمى نظام الملفات ! Stores file owner مالك النظام ! POSIX file permissions سماحية النظام ! Creation timestamps انشاء ! Last access/ read timestamps ! Last metadata change timestamps ! Last archive timestamps ! Access control lists ! Security/ Mandatory access control MAC labels ! Extended attributes/ Fork (filesyst ) Alternate data streams/ forks ! Checksum/ Error-correcting code ECC - rh CP/M file syst no no yes efn Impl ented in later versions as an extension no no no no no no no - rh DECtape cite web url http //bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/pdf/dec/pdp11/rt11/v5.6_Aug91/AA-PD6PA-TC_RT-11_Volume_and_File_Formats_Manual_Aug91.pdf RT–11 Volume and File Formats Manual publisher Digital Equipment Corporation date August 1991 page 1-26 .. 1-32 no no yes no no no no no no no - rh Elektronika BK tape format no no no no no no no no no yes - rh Level-D yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no - rh RT-11 cite web url http //bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/pdf/dec/pdp11/rt11/v5.6_Aug91/AA-PD6PA-TC_RT-11_Volume_and_File_Formats_Manual_Aug91.pdf RT–11 Volume and File Formats Manual publisher Digital Equipment Corporation date August 1991 page 1-4 .. 1-12 no no yes (date only) no no no no no no yes - rh Version 6 Unix file syst (V6FS) cite web url http //www.utdallas.edu/~venky/os/Proj/disk.pdf Format of the Unix 6 file syst accessdate -02-21 yes yes no yes no no no no no no - rh Version 7 Unix file syst (V7FS)See dinode structure on page 355 (FILESYS(5)) of cite web url http //web.cuzuco.com/~cuzuco/v7/v7vol1.pdf Unix Programmers Manual publisher Bell Telephone Laboratories location Murray Hill, New Jersey edition Seventh date January 1979 accessdate -02-21 yes yes yes yes no no no no no no - rh File Allocation Table FAT12/16/32 no no yes yes no efn name fat-ctime Some FAT impl entations, such as in Linux, show file modification timestamp (mtime) in the metadata change timestamp (ctime) field. This timestamp is however, not updated on file metadata change. no no no no efn name note-22 Particular Installable File Syst drivers and operating syst s may not support extended attributes on FAT12 and FAT16. The OS/2 and Windows NT filesyst drivers for FAT12 and FAT16 support extended attributes (using a EA&nbsp DATA.&nbsp SF pseudo-file to reserve the clusters allocated to th ). Other filesyst drivers for other operating syst s do not. no - rh High Performance File Syst HPFS yes efn name note-14 The f-node contains a field for a user identifier. This is not used except by OS/2 OS/2 Warp Server, however. no yes yes no no no dunno yes no - rh NTFS yes yes efn name note-5 NTFS access control lists can express any access policy possible using simple POSIX file permissions (and far more), but use of a POSIX-like interface is not supported without an add-on such as Services for UNIX or Cygwin. yes yes yes no yes yes efn As of Vista, NTFS has support for Mandatory Labels, which are used to enforce Mandatory Integrity Control.Mandatory Integrity Control (Windows) yes no - rh ReFS yes yes yes yes yes no yes dunno yes efn Initially, ReFS lacked support for ADS, but Server R2 and up add support for ADS on ReFS yes efn Data checksums not enabled by default - rh Hierarchical File Syst HFS no no yes no no yes no no yes no - rh HFS Plus yes yes yes yes yes yes yes dunno yes no - rh Berkeley Fast File Syst FFS yes yes no yes yes no no no no no - rh Unix File Syst UFS1 yes yes no yes yes no yes efn name note-33 Access-control lists and MAC labels are layered on top of extended attributes. yes efn name note-33 no efn name note-32 Some operating syst s impl ented extended attributes as a layer over UFS1 with a parallel backing file (e.g., FreeBSD 4.x). no - rh Unix File Syst UFS2 yes yes yes yes yes no yes efn name note-33 yes efn name note-33 yes no - rh Log-structured File Syst (BSD) LFS yes yes no yes yes no no no no no - rh Extended file syst ext yes yes no no no no no no no no - rh Xiafs yes yes no yes yes no no no no no - rh ext2 yes yes no yes yes no yes efn name note-23 Some Installable File Syst drivers and operating syst s may not support extended attributes, access control lists or security labels on these filesyst s. Linux kernels prior to 2.6.x may either be missing support for these altogether or require a patch (computing) patch. yes efn name note-23 yes no - rh ext3 yes yes no yes yes no yes efn name note-23 yes efn name note-23 yes no - rh ext4 yes yes yes yes yes no yes efn name note-23 yes efn name note-23 yes no - rh Lustre (file syst ) Lustre yes yes no yes yes no yes yes yes no - rh GPFS yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes - rh Global File Syst GFS yes yes no yes yes no yes efn name note-23 yes efn name note-23 yes no - rh NILFS yes yes yes no yes no no no no yes - rh ReiserFS yes yes no yes yes no yes efn name note-23 yes efn name note-23 yes no - rh Reiser4 yes yes no yes yes no no no no no - rh OCFS no yes no no yes yes no no no no - rh OCFS2 yes yes no yes yes no no no no no - rh XFS yes yes no yes yes no yes yes efn name note-23 yes no - rh JFS file syst JFS yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes no - rh QFS yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no - rh Be File Syst BFS yes yes yes no no no no no yes no - rh AdvFS yes yes no yes yes no yes no yes no - rh Novell Storage Services NSS yes yes yes efn name note-31 The local time, timezone/UTC offset, and date are derived from the time settings of the reference/single timesync source in the NDS tree. yes efn name note-31 yes yes efn name note-31 yes dunno yes efn name note-19 Novell calls this feature multiple data streams . Published specifications say that NWFS allows for 16 attributes and 10 data streams, and NSS allows for unlimited quantities of both. efn name note-29 Some file and directory metadata is stored on the NetWare server irrespective of whether Directory Services is installed or not, like date/time of creation, file size, purge status, etc and some file and directory metadata is stored in Novell Directory Services NDS/eDirectory, like file/object permissions, ownership, etc. no - rh NetWare File Syst NWFS yes dunno yes efn name note-31 yes efn name note-31 yes yes efn name note-31 yes dunno yes efn name note-19 efn name note-29 no - rh Files-11 ODS-5 yes yes yes dunno dunno yes yes dunno yes efn name note-17 Record Manag ent Services (RMS) attributes include record and size, among many others. no - rh Veritas File Syst VxFS yes yes yes yes yes no yes dunno yes efn name note-23 no - rh Universal Disk Format UDF yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes no - rh Fossil (file syst ) Fossil yes yes efn name note-61 File permission in 9P (protocol) 9P are a variation of the traditional Unix permissions with some minor changes, eg. the suid bit is replaced by a new 'exclusive access' bit. no yes yes no no no no no - rh ZFS yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no efn name note-69 MAC/Sensitivity labels in the file syst are not out of the question as a future compatible change but aren't part of any available version of ZFS. yes efn name note-60 Solaris extended attributes are really full-blown alternate data streams, in both the Solaris UFS and ZFS. yes - rh Btrfs yes yes yes yes dunno dunno yes dunno yes yes - rh VMware VMFS VMFS2 yes yes no yes yes no no no no no - rh VMware VMFS VMFS3 yes yes no yes yes no no no no no - rh ISO 9660 ISO 9660 1988 no no yes no no no no no no no - rh Joliet (file syst ) Joliet ( CDFS ) no no yes no no no no no no no - rh ISO 9660 ISO 9660 1999 no no yes no no no no no no no - rh High Sierra Format High Sierra no no yes no no no no no no no - sortbottom ! File syst ! Stores file owner ! POSIX file permissions ! Creation timestamps ! Last access/read timestamps ! Last metadata change timestamps ! Last archive timestamps ! Access control lists ! Security/ Mandatory access control MAC labels ! Extended attributes/ Fork (filesyst ) Alternate data streams/ forks ! Checksum/ Error-correcting code ECC

ميزات Features

wikitable sortable auto text- smaller table-layout fixed ! File syst ! Hard links ! Symbolic links ! Journaling file syst Block journaling ! Journaling file syst Metadata-only journaling ! Case-sensitive ! Case-preserving ! File Change Log ! Internal snapshotting / branching ! Execute in place XIP ! Filesyst -level encryption ! Data deduplication - ! DECtape no no no no no no no no no no no - ! Level-D no no no no no no no no no no no - ! RT-11 no no no no no no no no no no no - ! Version 6 Unix file syst (V6FS) yes no no no yes yes no no no no no - ! Version 7 Unix file syst (V7FS) yes no efn name note-59 Syst V Release 4, and some other Unix syst s, retrofitted symbolic links to their versions of the Version 7 Unix file syst , although the original version didn't support th . no no yes yes no no no no no - ! File Allocation Table FAT12/16/32 no no no no no partial no no no no no - ! Global File Syst GFS yes yes efn Context based symlinks were supported in GFS, GFS2 only supports standard symlinks since the bind mount feature of the Linux VFS has made context based symlinks obsolete yes yes efn Optional journaling of data yes yes no no no no dunno - ! High Performance File Syst HPFS no no no no no yes no dunno no no dunno - ! NTFS yes yes efn As of Windows Vista, NTFS fully supports soft links.Windows Administration Inside the Windows Vista Kernel Part 1 NTFS 3.0 (Windows 2000) and higher can create junctions, which allow entire directories (but not individual files) to be mapped to elsewhere in the directory tree of the same partition (file syst ). These are impl ented through reparse points, which allow the normal process of filename resolution to be extended in a flexible manner. no efn name note-37 NTFS stores everything, even the file data, as meta-data, so its log is closer to block journaling. yes efn name note-37 (2000) yes efn name note-36 While NTFS itself supports case sensitivity, the Win32 environment subsyst cannot create files whose names differ only by case for compatibility reasons. When a file is opened for writing, if there is any existing file whose name is a case-insensitive match for the new file, the existing file is truncated and opened for writing instead of a new file with a different name being created. Other subsyst s like e. g. Services for Unix, that operate directly above the kernel and not on top of Win32 can have case-sensitivity. yes yes partial efn name note-93 NTFS does not internally support snapshots, but in conjunction with the Volume Shadow Copy Service can maintain persistent block differential volume snapshots. dunno yes no - ! HFS Plus partial yes no yes efn name note-48 Metadata-only journaling was introduced in the Mac OS 10.2.2 HFS Plus driver journaling is enabled by default on Mac OS 10.3 and later. partial efn Although often believed to be case sensitive, HFS Plus normally is not. The typical default installation is case-preserving only. From Mac OS 10.3 on the command newfs_hfs -s will create a case-sensitive new file syst .newfs_hfs(8) Mac OS X Manual Page HFS Plus version 5 optionally supports case-sensitivity. However, since case-sensitivity is fundamentally different from case-insensitivity, a new signature was required so existing HFS Plus utilities would not see case-sensitivity as a file syst error that needed to be corrected. Since the new signature is 'HX', it is often believed this is a new filesyst instead of a simply an upgraded version of HFS Plus. cite web publisher Apple url http //developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPFileSyst /Articles/Comparisons.html File Syst Comparisons (hasn't been updated to discuss HFSX) cite web publisher Apple url http //developer.apple.com/technotes/tn/tn1150.html Technical Note TN1150 HFS Plus Volume Format (Very technical overview of HFS Plus and HFSX.) yes yes efn Mac OS Tiger (10.4) and late versions of Panther (10.3) provide file change logging (it's a feature of the file syst software, not of the volume format, actually).fslogger no no no efn name note-77 HFS+ does not actually encrypt files to impl ent FileVault, OS X creates an HFS+ filesyst in a sparse, encrypted disk image that is automatically mounted over the home directory when the user logs in. dunno - ! Berkeley Fast File Syst FFS yes yes no no yes yes no no no no no - ! Unix File Syst UFS1 yes yes no no yes yes no no no no no - ! Unix File Syst UFS2 yes yes no no efn name note-66 Soft dependencies (softdep) in NetBSD, called soft updates in FreeBSD provide meta-data consistency at all times without double writes (journaling file syst journaling) yes yes no yes dunno no no - ! Log-structured File Syst (BSD) LFS yes yes yes efn name note-38 UDF, LFS, and NILFS are log-structured file syst s and behave as if the entire file syst were a journal. no yes yes no yes no no no - ! Extended file syst ext yes yes no no yes yes no no no no no - ! Xiafs yes yes no no yes yes no no no no no - ! ext2 yes yes no no yes yes no no yes efn name note-65 Linux kernel versions 2.6.12 and newer. no no - ! ext3 yes yes yes (2001) efn name note-62 Off by default. yes (2001) yes yes no no yes no no - ! ext4 yes yes yes efn name note-62 yes yes yes no no yes yes , experimental cite web url https //lwn.net/Articles/639427/ Ext4 encryption no - ! Lustre (file syst ) Lustre yes yes yes efn name note-62 yes yes yes no no no no no - ! NILFS yes yes yes efn name note-38 no yes yes no yes no no no - ! ReiserFS yes yes yes efn name note-44 Full block journaling for ReiserFS was added to Linux 2.6.8. yes yes yes no no dunno no no - ! Reiser4 yes yes yes no yes yes no dunno dunno yes efn name note-50 Reiser4 supports transparent compression and encryption with the cryptcompress plugin which is the default file handler in version 4.1. dunno - ! OCFS no yes no no yes yes no no no no no - ! OCFS2 yes yes yes yes yes yes no no no no no - ! XFS yes yes no yes yes efn name note-40 Optionally no on IRIX. yes yes no dunno no no - ! JFS file syst JFS yes yes no yes (1990) yes efn name note-30 Particular Installable File Syst drivers and operating syst s may not support case sensitivity for JFS. OS/2 does not, and Linux has a mount option for disabling case sensitivity. yes no dunno dunno no dunno - ! QFS yes yes no yes yes yes no no no no no - ! Be File Syst yes yes no yes yes yes dunno dunno no no no - ! Novell Storage Services NSS yes yes dunno yes yes efn name note-20 Case-sensitivity/Preservation depends on client. Windows, DOS, and OS/2 clients don't see/keep case differences, whereas clients accessing via NFS or AFP may. yes efn name note-20 yes efn name note-6 The file change logs, last entry change timestamps, and other filesyst metadata, are all part of the extensive suite of auditing capabilities built into NDS/eDirectory called NSure Audit.Filesyst Events tracked by NSure yes no yes dunno - ! NetWare File Syst NWFS yes efn name note-53 Available only in the NFS namespace. yes efn name note-53 no no yes efn name note-20 yes efn name note-20 yes efn name note-6 dunno no no dunno - ! Files-11 ODS-2 yes yes efn name note-18 These are referred to as aliases . no yes no no yes yes no no no - ! Files-11 ODS-5 yes yes efn name note-18 no yes no yes yes yes dunno no no - ! Universal Disk Format UDF yes yes yes efn name note-38 yes efn name note-38 yes yes no no yes no no - ! Veritas File Syst VxFS yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes efn name note-70 VxFS provides an optional feature called Storage Checkpoints which allows for advanced file syst snapshots. dunno no no - ! Fossil (file syst ) Fossil no no no no yes yes yes yes no no no - ! ZFS yes yes yes efn name note-56 ZFS is a transactional filesyst using co

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