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[ شركات السياحة والسفر قطر ] فلكون لوجستيك falcon logistics ... الدوحة # أخر تحديث اليوم 2025/02/06
[ شركات السياحة والسفر قطر ] فلكون لوجستيك falcon logistics ... الدوحة
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11 مشاهدة
تم النشر اليوم 2024/08/07 | أرقام هواتف و عنوان فلكون لوجستيك falcon logistics
وصف الشركة Falcon Logistics (FL) is recognized as the leading provider of innovative integrated logistics solutions in the Middle East.
We provide a complete door-to-door transportation service for projects of all sizes, from moving house to delivering bulky and over-sized loads.
With offices across the Middle East and North Africa, Falcon Logistics will arrange everything, from insurance and customs clearance to warehousing and transport by air, land or sea.
FL at a glance: • Air Freight: Fast and cost-effective airfreight for time-sensitive cargo, with door-to-door, airport-to-airport, door-to-airport anf airport-to-door services.
• Sea Fright: Comprehensive services for global delivery of port-to-port or door-to-door FCL and LCL load services.
• Overland Transportation: Falcon Logistics Gulf-wide network and comprehensive range of products and services guarantee consistent and reliable overland transport.
• Logistics Services: We offer customized solutions for a clients entire supply chain: 1.
Packing & Warehouse Distribution 2.
Value-added Services 3.
Outsourcing • Customs Brokerage: Falcons experience in customs processing enables us to provide quick clearance of international cargo for our clients.
• Insurance: Falcons insurance programme offers clients comprehensive coverage of most financial risks, including coverage of door-to-door transportation, transshipment and storage during transit.
• Project Handling: We can provide Turnkey Project Forwarding services for large-scale, logistically complex projects involving the shipment of over-sized loads and heavy goods.
• Household Goods Removal: Moving house can be stressful enough at the best of times, without having to worry about damage to your furniture, or even if will turn up at all.
Take advantage of our specialized door-to-door removal and delivery service.
الدوحةعنوان الشركة Barwa,Village,,Bldg.
#,12,,Office,#,09,Wakra,Road,,Doha_x000D_ المدينة: Doha_x000D_ الدولة: Qatar_x000D_ الرمز,البريدي: 4803,,Doha,,Qatar
رقم الهاتف :
We provide a complete door-to-door transportation service for projects of all sizes, from moving house to delivering bulky and over-sized loads.
With offices across the Middle East and North Africa, Falcon Logistics will arrange everything, from insurance and customs clearance to warehousing and transport by air, land or sea.
FL at a glance: • Air Freight: Fast and cost-effective airfreight for time-sensitive cargo, with door-to-door, airport-to-airport, door-to-airport anf airport-to-door services.
• Sea Fright: Comprehensive services for global delivery of port-to-port or door-to-door FCL and LCL load services.
• Overland Transportation: Falcon Logistics Gulf-wide network and comprehensive range of products and services guarantee consistent and reliable overland transport.
• Logistics Services: We offer customized solutions for a clients entire supply chain: 1.
Packing & Warehouse Distribution 2.
Value-added Services 3.
Outsourcing • Customs Brokerage: Falcons experience in customs processing enables us to provide quick clearance of international cargo for our clients.
• Insurance: Falcons insurance programme offers clients comprehensive coverage of most financial risks, including coverage of door-to-door transportation, transshipment and storage during transit.
• Project Handling: We can provide Turnkey Project Forwarding services for large-scale, logistically complex projects involving the shipment of over-sized loads and heavy goods.
• Household Goods Removal: Moving house can be stressful enough at the best of times, without having to worry about damage to your furniture, or even if will turn up at all.
Take advantage of our specialized door-to-door removal and delivery service.
الدوحةعنوان الشركة Barwa,Village,,Bldg.
#,12,,Office,#,09,Wakra,Road,,Doha_x000D_ المدينة: Doha_x000D_ الدولة: Qatar_x000D_ الرمز,البريدي: 4803,,Doha,,Qatar
رقم الهاتف :
br>شاركنا تقييمك
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اليوم 2025/02/06