شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات

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شبكة بحوث وتقارير ومعلومات

موقع يحتوى الكثير من ملخصات وبحوث وتقارير بجميع المجالات وكلها جاهزة للطباعة والنسخ … كما يحتوي محرك بحث يسهل عليك عملية إستخراج المعلومة بسهولة ويسر .

[ تعرٌف على ] قائمة أفلام الإفريقية المستقبلية

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- [ فائدةالخلاصة البهية فى ترتيب أحداث السيرة النبوية للشيخ وحيد عبدالسلام ] 16 - وفي رمضان من هذه السنة : خرج رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وسلم - بجيشه من المدينة لفتح مكة وسببُ الغزوة هو أن قبيلةَ قريشٍ انتهكت الهدنةَ التي كانت بينها وبين المسلمين، وذلك بإعانتها لحلفائها من بني الدئل بن بكرٍ بن عبد مناةٍ بن كنانة (تحديداً بطنٌ منهم يُقال لهم "بنو نفاثة") في الإغارة على قبيلة خزاعة، الذين هم حلفاءُ المسلمين، فنقضت بذلك عهدَها مع المسلمين الذي سمّي بصلح الحديبية. وردّاً على ذلك، جَهَّزَ الرسولُ محمدٌ جيشاً قوامه عشرة آلاف مقاتل لفتح مكة، وتحرَّك الجيشُ حتى وصل مكة، فدخلها سلماً بدون قتال، إلا ما كان من جهة القائد المسلم خالد بن الوليد، إذ حاول بعضُ رجال قريش بقيادة عكرمة بن أبي جهل التصديَ للمسلمين، فقاتلهم خالدٌ وقَتَلَ منهم اثني عشر رجلاً، وفرَّ الباقون منهم، وقُتل من المسلمين رجلان اثنان
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آخر تحديث منذ 2 يوم
6 مشاهدة

عناصر الموضوع

تم النشر اليوم 2024/06/07 | قائمة أفلام الإفريقية المستقبلية

قائمة الأفلام

الفيلم السنة Description
الفيلم ، من إخراج المخرج الغاني فرانسيس بودومو ، يعرض أكاديمية زامبيا للفضاء التي تعمل على هزيمة الولايات المتحدة إلى القمر بينما تستعد الأخيرة لإطلاق أبولو 11.
Air Conditioner
The Angolan film directed by Fradique revolves around the air-conditioners mysteriously starting to fall in the city of Luanda. الغارديان called the film Afrofuturist, writing, “It’s a magic-realist parable with the thinnest shrinkwrapping of sci-fi” that shows how “the service guarantee runs out on the technology”.
Black Is King
The musical film and video album directed, written, and executive produced by American singer بيونسيه. Scholar Kinitra D. Brooks describes the film as “an aural and visual rendering of Afrofuturistic Blackness in the 21st century”. Brooks said, “Afrofuturism urges Black people to recover their pasts in order to create their own futures. ‘Black Is King’ imagines what it looks like to be there, whole and healed.”
Black Panther
The فيلم بطل خارق, directed by رايان كوغلر, stars the comic book character Black Panther who is the king of the fictional kingdom of واكاندا (قصص مصورة). The film features Afrofuturist themes.
النمر الأسود: واكاندا للأبد
The superhero film is a sequel to Black Panther. The film explores Afrofuturism “in the way the mantle of Black Panther presumably passes to Princess Shuri”.
In the superhero film, the human-vampire hybrid Blade, played by black actor ويسلي سنايبس, protects humanity from evil vampires.
Born in Flames
The film, directed by Lizzie Borden, is described by Hyperallergic’s Jeremy Polacek: “[It] presents the revolution as televised, paraded, reported, and reiterated by pundits and politicians — and yet still incomplete. Socialism may reign in Borden’s post-revolutionary America, but so does patriarchy, racism, and sexism.”
Brother from Another Planet, TheThe Brother from Another Planet
The science fiction film, directed by جون سايلس, features an alien who escapes slavery on “Another Planet” and crash-lands and hides in هارلم (نيويورك).
Brown Girl Begins
The film is set in تورونتو in the near future, and the upper class is protected by a force field.
The Ethiopian post-apocalyptic film is directed by Miguel Llansó.
Earthbound 2021 Short film directed by Swedish-Ugandan filmmaker Baker Karim. 2121. Earth has become uninhabitable and some have been chosen to leave the planet. Max is not among the chosen ones, but his goal is to get aboard the Ark, at any cost. “Earthbound” is the first Swedish Afro-futuristic film.
Executive Order 2020 A 2020 Brazilian dystopian drama film directed by Lázaro Ramos (in his feature directorial debut), based on the stage play Namibia, no! by Aldri Anunciação.
Fast Color
In the American superhero film, three generations of women have superpowers and are on the run from the government.
Hello, Rain
The short film, directed by سي جي أوباسي features a Scientist-Witch, who through an alchemical combination of juju and technology creates wigs which grant her and her friends supernatural powers. But when their powers grow uncontrollable, she must stop them by any means. It is based on the short story Hello, Moto by Nigerian-American author, Nnedi Okorafor.
Kwaku Ananse
The short film, directed by أكوسوا أدوما أوسو, shows a parallel between the Ghanaian fable “Anansi the Spider” and a young girl’s life.
Last Angel of History, TheThe Last Angel of History
The film, produced by Black Audio Film Collective and directed by John Akomfrah, combines science fiction and essay approaches and features a time-traveling “data thief” who searches for code to reveal his future.
Love Letter to the Ancestors From Chicago, AA Love Letter to the Ancestors From Chicago
The short film is directed by Ytasha Womack.
Memory Room 451
The film, produced by the Black Audio Film Collective, is set in a dystopian world and presented as a documentary in which a time traveler interviews people of an earlier era.
Monsoons Over The Moon
The two-part short film, directed by كينياn filmmaker Dan Muchina, is set in نيروبي in a dystopian future. A street gang fights against totalitarianism by freeing young people trapped in the system.
Neptune Frost
The film is set in a بورونديan village that is made from recycled parts of computers. It features a romance between a كولتان miner and an ثنائية الجنس runaway.
Oversimplification of Her Beauty, AnAn Oversimplification of Her Beauty
The film, directed by Terence Nance, is described by Ashley Clark as a “mash-up of integrated fiction/nonfiction shorts, home video, voiceover narration and stock footage” including “plentiful, head-spinningly trippy animation sequences that place the film squarely in Afrofuturistic territory”.
بومزي (فيلم)
The short film, directed by وانوري كاهيو, is Kenya’s first science fiction film.
The Nigerian science-fiction thriller film, directed by Dimeji Ajibola, features a soldier who comes home from World War III to find her sister deathly ill as a result of a chemical substance.
Robots of Brixton
The computer-generated short film, directed by Kibwe Tavares, re-contextualizes the 1981 Brixton riot in a dystopian future where robots riot against human police forces.
Saignantes, LesLes Saignantes (English: Those Who Bleed)
The erotic science fiction thriller is directed by الكاميرونian filmmaker جان بيير بيكولو.
The film, directed by إثيوبياn-born هايلي جيريما, features a contemporary model who, during a photo shoot, suddenly finds herself on a plantation in the Southern United States during the plantation era.
See You Yesterday
The time-travel film with a social-justice narrative features two black teenagers from بروكلين trying to use time travel to change the world.
Sin Seer, TheThe Sin Seer
A cop and a person who can “see” others’ sins work together to solve cases, but one case leads the gifted person to face her past.
Space Is the Place
The film, directed by John Coney, is a science-fiction take on the real-life musician صن رع and his crew The Arkestra. Ashley Clark said Ra plays “a cosmic card game” with a megapimp “to determine the fate of the black race”. Clark said, “What follows is a brilliant and bizarre melange of comedy, musical performance and occasionally lurid blaxploitation aesthetics. It also, crucially, has a number of serious points to make about the plight of young urban blacks in a harsh, post-civil rights climate.”
سبايدرمان: إنتو ذا سبايدر-فيرس 2018 The animated superhero film follows مايلز موراليس becoming سبايدرمان after the death of the original Spider-Man, Peter Parker, in his universe. Morales also teams up with other Spider-People, including an alternate version of Parker, to defeat Kingpin and return them to their home realities.
سوبا مودو
In the feature film, a nine-year-old girl from a Kenyan village has a terminal illness and dreams of becoming a superhero. Her village helps her realize her dream. 14East said of the film’s Afrofuturist touch, “There is a very mysterious element of magic realism and fantasy.”
Swimming In Your Skin Again
The short film is directed by Terence Nance. 14East described it as “a film that leans toward experimental stylistically, its content is very thematic and its sequences are dreamlike… [and] speculates what could be some major issues in the future if we do not respect nature”.
They Charge for the Sun
The short film, directed by Terence Nance, is set in a future where people live at night to avoid harmful sun rays and in which ميلانين comes into play.
To Catch a Dream
The كينياn surrealist short film, written and directed by Jim Chuchu, features a grieving widow who has nightmares and tries a mystical remedy to end them.
The short film, directed by Shola Amoo, is set in the near future.
توكي بوكي
The Senegalese road film is directed by جبريل ديوب مامبيتي. The New York Times’s Glenn Kenny said, “The movie is replete with such purposeful disjointedness, the better to articulate space-time dissociations.”
Trafik d’Info
The film, directed by Janluk Stanislas, was shot in غوادلوب and is considered the first science fiction film to be shot in the Caribbean.
Welcome II the Terrordome
The film, directed by Ngozi Onwurah, is set in an inner-city slum in a dystopian near-future. The film is the first directed by a black British woman to be released in theaters.
White Out, Black In
The science fiction documentary, directed by Adirley Queirós, is set in Brazil and follows three men who deal with a past tragedy.
Wrinkle in Time, AA Wrinkle in Time
The multiracial adaptation of the 1962 science fantasy novel A Wrinkle in Time has, according to author and filmmaker Ytasha Womack, an Afrofuturistic signature of “strong female” characters.
يلين (فيلم) (English: Brightness)
The Malian film, directed by Souleymane Cissé “follows a young mage on a journey to confront his power-mad father”. The New York Times’s Glenn Kenny said of the film in the context of Afrofuturism, “Mr. Cissé’s languid but mindful pacing and his indifference to Western film language conventions on space and time transitions also contribute to the movie’s distinction.”

شرح مبسط

في السينما تعد أفلام الإفريقية المستقبلية Afrofuturism دمجا لتاريخ وثقافة السود في أفلام الخيال العلمي والأنواع ذات الصلة. قالت آشلي كلارك ‘ صحيفة الغارديان إن مصطلح المستقبل الأفغاني له “طبيعة غير متبلورة” لكن أفلام المستقبل الافريقية “توحدها موضوع رئيسي واحد: تركيز تجربة السود الدولية في حقائق بديلة ومتخيلة، سواء كانت روائية أو وثائقية؛ في الماضي أو الحاضر. خيال علمي أو دراما مباشرة “. قال جلين كيني ‘ صحيفة نيويورك تايمز: “مستقبل أفلام الإفريقية المستقبلية أكثر بروزًا في الموسيقى وفنون الجرافيك مما هو عليه في السينما، لكن هناك أفلامًا تضيء الفكرة بطرق مختلفة”.

شاركنا تقييمك

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- [ المحافظة على الصديقمواعظ الأمام الشافعي - صالح الشامي ] قال يونس بن عبد الأعلى: قال لي الشافعي ذات يوم رحمه الله:يا يونس, اذا بلغك عن صديق لك ما تكرهه, فاياك أن تبادره بالعداوة, وقطع الولاية, فتكون ممن أزال يقينه بشك.ولكن القه وقل له: بلغني عنك كذا وكذا, واحذر أن تسمي له المبلّغ, فان أنكر ذلك فقال له: أنت أصدق وأبر. ولاتزيدن على ذلك شيئا.وان اعترف بذلك, فرأيت له في ذلك وجها لعذر, فاقبل منه, وان لم تر ذلك فقل له : ماذا أردت بما بلغني عنك؟فان ذكر لك ما له وجه من العذر فاقبل منه, وان لم تر لذلك وجها لعذر, وضاق عليك المسلك, فحينئذ أثبتها عليه سيئة أتاها, ثم أنت في ذلك الخيار, ان شئت كافأته بمثله من غير زيادة, وان شئت عفوت عنه, والعفو أقرب للتقوى, وأبلغ في الكرم لقول الله تعالى:{ وجزاء سيئة سيئة مثلها, فمن عفا وأصلح فأجره على الله}. الشورى 40.فان نازعتك نفسك بالمكافأة, فاذكر فيما سبق له لديك من الاحسان, ولا تبخس باقي احسانه السالف بهذه السيئة, فان ذلك الظلم بعينه.وقد كان الرجل الصالح يقول: رحم الله من كافأني على اساءتي من غير أن يزيد, ولا يبخس حقا لي.يا يونس, اذا كان لك صديق فشدّ بيديك به, فان اتخاذ الصديق صعب, ومفارقته سهل.وقد كان الرجل الصالح يشبّه سهولة مفارقته الصديق, بصبي يطرح في البئر حجرا عظيما, فيسهل طرحه عليه, ويصعب اخراجه على الرجال.فهذه وصيتي واليك السلام.
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